President – GSG Election Manifesto

Name: Gagan Dep Prabhu
Department/Course: College of Engineering/Engineering Management

Past Achievements:

  1. CPS Referendum.
  2. Increased Senators – with representation from most colleges.
  3. Representation at Mass Graduate Student Federation.
  4. 100% attendance at all college orientations.
  5. Open GSG room to all Grad students for use.
  6. The team has met and collected information/concerns/feedback from over 5 deans across various colleges.
  7. Special committee to work on increased E-Board members.
  8. Met with over 30 graduate groups over the summer and continued meeting throughout fall and spring.
  9. Better reply rates over email and better in-person interaction.


Future Goals:

  1. Increase in Student Employment – have already initiated conversations with Senate, Lindsay Coffin and Clare Mansfield – Dep Dir of Student Employment and with Maureen Timmons for Dining services to increase opportunities there.
  2. Introduction to Project Funding – Since we have individual and group funding, plan to introduce Project Funding up to certain $ amount to work on your project. E.g. UIC, UIUC, CSM
  3. Help towards Shopping – Buy a CostCo/BJs enterprise card and let students borrow it for shopping purposes to save money. E.g. Harvard
  4. Transparency – Increased awareness of our day-to-day workings to the graduate community by publishing live funding dashboard hosted on the GSG website.
  5. Funding Roll Over – Currently working on to ensure the funding which wasn’t utilized over the Spring semester to be available for use for the next semester.
  6. Regional Campus – This is Divya’s baby but will continue to everything to set this.
  7. Office Hours – Every executive board member should serve office hours to serve students on the go.
  8. E-board Members – Improve the dynamics as a team.
  9. Eating Options – Try to bring in more cuisines into the CSC Lunch Hall, like for e.g. I would prefer a place to go have Indian.